IZYANA JASMAY.thnx for the tagg babeyhh.when i got this, i was like, 'whoa, soklan ye cm taley bla plak'.haha.anyway, ill try my best to answer them precisely :D

1) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan lelaki idaman?
lelaki idaman, translation in my own point of view; a guy who happens to be the other half of a girl.one who wants to waste his time with her.one who sees her imperfections as her quality
.bla bla bla :p

2) Bagaimanakah sifat sifat lelaki idaman anda?
he must be; street smart and book smart.i like him to tell me interesting information about anything.low profile.i hate guys who are in love with themselves.honest.i dont mind if he says i looked ugly.loyal.just because i would be very loyal to him

3) Anda mahukan lelaki berhidung mancung atauu kembang?
so so.a too sharp nose would make him look like a brit.if kembang pulak, would make him look less than good-looking.haha.a normal malay nose would be fine with me

4) Mata sepet, mata besar, mata sederhana, bundar atau bercermin m
none of the above.actually, guys with kuyu eyes makes my heart throbe.it gives them a sexy look kott.and make me go head over heels for him :p

5) Mulut yang bagaimana anda impikan?
kissable :p kidding.i like guys with a crooked smile.definitely sexy :pp

6) Anda mahukan yang bertelinga capang atau biasa?

both are fine.guys with capang ears are cute.guys with normal ears are hot.i like both

7) Ketinggian berapa cm yang anda impikan? Tinggi atau rendah?
ofcourse way taller than me.im about 153cm.so, by my guesstamation; 160cm++

8) Rambut panjang, pendek atau skema?

skema.i hate guys with freggin long hair and look like they are supposed to be in rehab.ehem ehem

9) Anda mahukan lelaki stylo atau simple sahaja?
geeky && nerdy.for some weird reason, im attracted to bookworms.i dont mind if he is a bloody nerd, as long as he is hopelessly in love with me.agaga

10) Lelaki putih atau gelap atau sawo matang?
whichever.cause when love hits us, they blind us to the other persons imperfections.so, the color of the skin can hardly change any feelings about me towards him if im so into him.do you know what i mean ?

11) Sukakan lelaki tangan berurat atau kurus kering?
maybe a guy with a little muscle.being buff makes him a hunk and makes other girls envy me for being his girl.haha

12) Lelaki berbadan sasa atau kurus kering?
not too muscular but not too skinny.only in between.besides looking healthy, he will look very suitable walking beside me

13) Artis manakah menyerupai lelaki idaman anda?
according to him, he looks like

according to me, he looks like

14) Anda rasa anda cukup lawa ke nak dapat lelaki idaman anda?
absolutely not.i think any guy who is with me is quite unlucky to have me as their girl.i just hope they dont realize it too soon :p

15) Orang seterusnya yang hendak dikenakaan?
anyone who reads this on purpose OR by accident, is automatically tagged.so enjoy answering these fatal questions fellas

love annabella

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