evening ladies n germs.
i have a special guest for uu tonight.i give uu, my pet the poopy monster!!
hes isnt scary.hes quite shy and polite.he doesnt yell or scream.he just likes to show off his teeth(cuz supposedly he flosses.haha)
that isnt all.ive got another fella i want u guys to meet.so say hello to my little friend.
this is perry.shes only a few months old.shes my latest and most favret kitten.ppl say she has my eyes.is it true?haha.hope not.my eyes arent blue.
so,2 weeks back.hidayah,zamey,efan my boyfriend n i went to izyanas open house in nusa jaya.zamey drove.it was..how can i put this, pleasant.i wore that black kebaya.god, wearing that was a nightmare.i could barely walk.i had to half catwalk.luckily we never had to walk far.i would have torn that dreadful thing up to my knees if i had to.
izyanas house was huge!maybe im exagerating.but thats how im picturing it.quite luxurious if i do say so myself.the 5 of us only stayed for awhile since zamey had to be somewhere in taman u.we ate, drank,had short,polite conversations with a few ppl and left.it was very nice of her to invite us.but she was the best hostess.kudos to her :)
all in all, it was a fun day.i got to spend time with huzat,expirience zameys not-so-bad driving and eat a piece of secret recipis oreo cake.by the way.huzat and i have been together for a year now.i only pray that we dont run into any more speedbumps.

i have a special guest for uu tonight.i give uu, my pet the poopy monster!!

that isnt all.ive got another fella i want u guys to meet.so say hello to my little friend.

so,2 weeks back.hidayah,zamey,efan my boyfriend n i went to izyanas open house in nusa jaya.zamey drove.it was..how can i put this, pleasant.i wore that black kebaya.god, wearing that was a nightmare.i could barely walk.i had to half catwalk.luckily we never had to walk far.i would have torn that dreadful thing up to my knees if i had to.
izyanas house was huge!maybe im exagerating.but thats how im picturing it.quite luxurious if i do say so myself.the 5 of us only stayed for awhile since zamey had to be somewhere in taman u.we ate, drank,had short,polite conversations with a few ppl and left.it was very nice of her to invite us.but she was the best hostess.kudos to her :)
all in all, it was a fun day.i got to spend time with huzat,expirience zameys not-so-bad driving and eat a piece of secret recipis oreo cake.by the way.huzat and i have been together for a year now.i only pray that we dont run into any more speedbumps.

ehh farrafarooo :O baru perasann kw tulis kat belogg. hee. jap2 aku takpaham ayat kw yg neyy but she was the best hostess.kudos to her :)ape tuu aa? bi akuu takbape nak A+ mcm kw neyy HAHA
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